TNT Rescue Tools
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Family Owned and American Made
Your premier manufacturer of Rescue Tools
Forever Warranty
“Should any TNT manufactured product purchased from TNT or an authorized representative of TNT fail to perform as originally intended due to wear, workmanship, return it to TNT with postage prepaid, and we will either replace or repair it, at our option, for as long as you own it – no if’s and’s or but’s. TNT recommends annual servicing of tools by a TNT authorized service technician.”
Discover Our Diverse Product Range

Storm Surge
Storm Surge
The TNT Rescue Tools Storm Surge product stands as a pinnacle of innovation in emergency response equipment, offering unmatched power and reliability for rescue operations. Engineered with precision for rapid deployment, the Storm Surge line is designed to tackle the most challenging extrication scenarios with ease. Its robust construction and advanced hydraulic technology provide first responders with the capability to swiftly cut through obstacles, ensuring quick access to trapped individuals.
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